Stephen Rosenholtz, Feldenkrais Trainer, San Francisco, USA
Stephen Rosenholtz, Ph.D., promovierte in Pädagogik und Soziologie (Harvard University, Stanford University) und absolvierte seine Feldenkrais Ausbildung 1980-83 bei Moshe Feldenkrais persönlich. Er verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung mit der Methode sowohl in eigener Praxis als auch in der Leitung von Feldenkrais Ausbildungen weltweit. Im Oktober 2000 übernahm Stephen als Educational Director die Leitung der ersten Feldenkrais-Ausbildung in Hamm.
A former classroom teacher, Stephen Rosenholtz earned his master’s degree in Education from Harvard University in 1971 and his doctorate in Education at Stanford University in 1981. His doctoral research focused on the nature of ability formation and the self image.
Dr. Stephen Rosenholtz, a graduate of the Feldenkrais Amherst Training and a Feldenkrais trainer since 1994, has served as educational director of the Colima (Mexico), Zürich, and Hamm Feldenkrais trainings, and teaches in other trainings worldwide. His programs about Feldenkrais for children, „Move Like the Animals“ and „Monkey Moves“, have won national awards in the United States and are used in clinics, schools and libraries.
Known for a thoughtful and humorous style of teaching, he speaks German badly, but he goes on improving.